Frank Levi Oneyear

** Updated - Oct. 30, 2010 **

Photo was generously given to me by Frank's grandson, Dennis Oneyear

Frank Levi was the first child born to the Oneyear couple. He was born on Aug. 15, 1873 in Durango, IA. His occupation was farmer and later storekeeper. He married Amie M. Sunderland on Apr. 16, 1895 in Sherrill, IA, by Rev. J.W. Feller, Methodist Episcopal Minister. Amie was 23 and Frank, 22 years old on the day they married. They had 9 children. Frank spent 18 years operating the general store at Five Points, IA. He died at his home, Aug. 25, 1942 at Rickardsville, IA. His funeral was at Grace Methodist Church and officiated by Rev. F. H. Schepple. Frank was buried at Asbury Methodist Cemetery.

Frank's draft card states that he was born in Durango, IA. He was a self employed farmer in Durango and married. His description is medium height, stout with brown eyes and dark hair. This was Sept 12, 1918.

Frank is listed in the 1880 census as a white male at 7 years old. Birthplace is IA.

Frank is listed in the 1885 Millville, Clayton, IA census. He is a 12 year old male in his father's household.

Frank is listed in the Center Township of Dubuque Co, IA in 1900. He is head of household, with wife Amy, and daughters Stella, Alma and Hilda. He is a white male, married for 5 years. He states he was born in 1872 and is 27 years old. He and his parents were all born in IA and he is a farmer. He rents his farm.

A 1905 Census has Frank listed in Dubuque, Dubuque, IA at 950 15th St.  Listed with him at this address is wife Amie, daughters, Stella, Alma, Hilda, Violet and Mary and James Sunderland.

In the 1910 census, Frank is living in Jefferson, Dubuque, IA. He is a 36 year old white male married for 15 years. He and his parents are all born in IA. He is employed as a general farmer. He rents a farm. In this house the members consists of himself, wife Amy, daughters Stella, Alma, Hilda, Viola, Fances, Hazel and brother Fred. this census states that Amy was a mother of 9, but only 7 are living.

The 1915 census of Jefferson, Dubuque, IA has Frank listed as a married white male that can read and write. His township is Jefferson but his P.O. address is Durango. He is a farmer and total earning for 1914 occupation is $500. Extent of education is listed "Common" 6. Place of birth is IA and encumbrance of farm or home is $14.00. Value of home is $3000. His church affiliation is Methodist and parent's birthplace is IA.

In the 1920 census of Jefferson Township of Dubuque Co., IA, Frank is listed head of household, owns his home but it is mortgaged. He is a married white male at the age of 46. The birth place of he and his parents is IA. He can read and write English and is a self-employed farmer. Living in this household, besides himself is wife, (Listed as Emma M), daughters Violet R., Frances P., Hazel L., son Levi J., and daughter Ammie A. He seams to live the next house over from his mother, Mary, according to Census household numbers.

A Census collection for Center, Dubuque, 1925 has Frank listed as head of household at the age 51 and a white married male. He owns his farm free and clear. It is worth $2,000 and taxes are $14. He attended school and his highest reader completed is 6. He can read and write. Listed in the home with him is wife, Amie, daughters Hazel and Amie and son Levi.

The 1930 Census of Center Township, Dubuque County, IA, states that Frank L Oneyear is head of household and own his home. The family has a radio set and lives on a farm. He is a white male that he was married at the age of 21. He can read and write, he and both of his parents were born in IA. He is a general merchandise merchant and owns his business. He's worked full time for the last year and he is not a veteran.

At this time, Frank's household contains himself, wife, Mary M., son, Levi and daughter, Amy E.


Frank and Amie's Children

  1.  Stella Myrtle Oneyear

Born Feb. 10, 1896 in Durango, IA and died June 23, 1971 in Rickardsville, IA.  Married George E. Backus on Feb. 17, 1931 in Rickardsville, IA.

  5.  Frances Pearl Oneyear

Born Oct. 20, 1905 in Dubuque, IA and died May 14, 1976 in Clinton, IA.  Married Frank Charles Crawford in 1946.  Had at least one child named Kay Frances.

  2.  Alma Mary Oneyear

Born July 10, 1897 in Durango, IA and died Feb. 15, 1978 in Oelwein, IA.  Married Elmer Roy Fettkether on Sep. 12, 1917 in Dubuque, IA.  Had two boys named Cyril and Cecil.

  6.  Hazel Loretta Oneyear

Born Dec. 9, 1908 in Dubuque, IA and died Apr. 5, 1985 in Dubuque, IA.  Married Leo Anthony Schmitt Sep. 24, 1925 in Durango, IA.  Had at least 2 daughters. 

  3.  Hilda M. Oneyear

Born May 30, 1899 in Rickardsville, IA and died Aug. 30, 1949 in Dubuque IA.  Married Orrin E. Boyes Apr. 3, 1917 in Dubuque, IA.  Had six children, Homer Jerome, Orren Verne, June Opal, Glenn Howard, Luella Faith and Gloria Mae.

  7.  Levi Jefferson Oneyear

Born Jan. 12, 1912 in Balltown, Dubuque County, IA and died Feb. 3, 1990 in IA.  Married Julitta Sigwarth Fe. 26, 1938 in Balltown, IA.  Had two boys and three girls.

  4.  Violet Roselia Oneyear

Born in 1902 in Graf, IA and died 1957 in Dubuque, IA.  Married Emil Handel 1946 in Dubuque, IA.  Had three children, Irven, Wayne C. and Roger D.

  8.  Amy E. Oneyear

Born Dec. 16, 1915 in Durango, IA and died Jan. 22, 1981 in Dubuque county, IA.  Married Frank Kirchburg.

Frank Levi Family Photos




At the moment, I can't remember who gave the headstone photo to me.  It was probably Dennis, again.  He was my 'first' big help with the Oneyear family.


Information compiled by Tina Oneyear from historical documents and help of many close and distant family members, with whom this wouldn't of been possible.  Also, a great deal of help, came from Eileen Switzer in IA.  Thank you to all that helped.

This page was created by Swan By Grace

This site will be updated as more information is collected.

Graphics are created by Tina Oneyear